

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Old wash day recipe

I found this some time ago and loved it.  I started to look in to this and loved what I found.  I will share the finding with you later, but for know I will share this with you.

                                Old Wash Day Recipe
Variations of this ‘recipe’ handed down from a grandmother to her granddaughter on her wedding day has circulated around the net for years. Snopes declares this was making rounds well before the internet as "xeroxlore".
Whether it truly written by a grandmother to her granddaughter we’ll probably never know. But it is quite charming .
1. Build fire in backyard to heat kettle of rain water.
2. Set tubs so smoke wont blow in eyes if wind is pert.
3. Shave one hole cake of lie soap in boilin water.
4. Sort things, make 3 piles. 1 pile white, 1 pile colored, 1 pile work britches and rags.
5. To make starch, stir flour in cool water to smooth, then thin down with boilin water.
6. Take white things, rub dirty spots on board, scrub hard, and then boil. Rub colored, don’t boil, just rinse and starch.
7. Take things out of kettle with broomstick handle, then rinse, and starch.
8. Hang old rags on fence.
9. Spread tea towels on grass.
10. Pore rinse water in flower bed.
11. Scrub porch with hot soapy water.
12. Turn tubs upside down.
13. Go put on clean dress, smooth hair with hair combs. Brew cup of tea, sit and rock a spell and count your blessings.
Paste this over your washer and dryer. Next time when you think things are bleak, read it again, kiss that washing machine and dryer, and give thanks.
First thing each morning you should run and hug your washer and dryer, also your toilet — those two-holers used to get Mighty Cold!
*Typos from original

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

spring cleaning part two

Hello everyone
last time I was talking about cleaning your living room and dinner room.  I find those two rooms the easiest to clean, maybe because they are straight forward and very basic.  Today I will talk about cleaning a bedroom still very basic but a little more work to but into them.  First thing first make sure to clean out them closets, I know they can be scary but it needs to be done.  The best way to work on them is to pull everything out, then wash them walls floors and all the rods that are in there.   Next go throw everything one by one.  Those cloths that just sit there hanging closet do you need them?  Try things on see if they fit right if not get ride of them.  Make more room in there.  Make sure to put the thing back that you are keeping.  Then wash the door and close it.  Now that might take you most of the day if you have lots in there but not everyone does,  so you will want to move all the stuff out of that room and place it with the other things you are getting ride of, I myself keep it all by the door so I know its leaving, and will get ride of it next I go out.  Then move on to striping the beds and removing the curtains and getting them washed well your cleaning.  Flip that mattes it will help it last longer, but if you have a pillow top then leave it.  Okay so we got the closet done, the bed striped let move on to moving everything away from the walls, this part I hate but it needs to be done.  Then was your walls and but everything back or move things around if you like, I find this is the best time to do this.  Now you can play dress up again, go throw all the cloths in your dresser, get rid of the cloths that don't fit or you just don't like any more.  Then move all that stuff out with the other stuff.  I think at this point you may need a brake so go make a tea or a coffee, make sure to enjoy it, you desire it at this point.
Okay brake time is over.  So we have done the closet,bed,walls and dresser now to clean all them knickknacks all over the room and pictures, get them all nice clean and hey if you don't like one or maybe even two of them get rid of them, or just move it to a different room some just moving what we have around the house can make the world of difference and you don't need to buy anything.  Now the only thing left is the floor, if you have hard wood just sweep and mop, but if you have carpet and if you have all though the house you might want to just vacuum it and leave it, then when your done all your spring cleaning them get the carpet cleaning and wash all of it at the same time, it will make it easier.  Then wash that window and put back the curtains and the bedding.  If you like add a little air fresher.  Then stand back and look at that clean and beautiful room.  You did great. 
Make sure that well you are spring clean you treat yourself, it can be hard work to do it.  When I spring clean I always make sure to have a good week to two weeks with nothing else to do, just so I know I will get it done. 
Know to clean a childes room is the same way but you need to go throw them toys, get rid of the broken toys or the one he/she don't play with anymore.  Another child would love to have them.  Try to get your child to help you with there room, it will give them a sense of how to clean a room and how to get rid of things that they no longer like, rather then brake it.  It might also give them the sense of how to help other people that need it.  This can be a teaching moment in how to help other in need and the people who are not as lucky as them.  Always try to teach your this, this way they will have a understand of why we should help others.
Well till next, happy cleaning everyone.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

spring cleaning

Well hello everyone.  It has been a long time since I have made a post, today I have started my spring cleaning and I think many people have started this, but not many now how to start or where to start.  Well I am not a professional but I hope I can help some of you.  How I start is by going to the homemakers note book ( I will go into that later for you who don't know what that is) and get the master cleaning list.  Here is a great site to get ideas for a note book and cleaning lists ( this is where i got mine) then pick a room to work one room and one room only a day. I also make sure i have a good week to do this, some may not need that long but myself I do. Then get my bucket of cleaner, rags, sponges, steel wool, a old toothbrush ( you just never know) and a bucket of nice warm water.  Then I go throw everything in that room, getting rid of things that no longer are needed or waited or just in the wrong room. Then remove any curtains or mats.  Then start on the dusting ( if you need to make sure to wear a dust mask and or gloves)  making sure to clean all the nicknacks and pictures and just under everything that can be moved.  Once that is done I take a small brake to let the room dry up a little and to let things settle.  Then I move on to the walls making sure i get those nice and clean.  some times it can be hard to get all the dirt and grim off but it will.  make sure not to use and harsh cleaners on the walls, that can remove the paint.  make sure to dry the walls, then place the clean curtains and move on to the floors.  For the spring cleaning i get down on my hands and knees to clean the floor, just to make sure its clean.  Then place the cleaned mats back in the room.  Then take another brake, you are going to need it after washing them walls.  Then i move on to windows getting them nice and clean.  Then I get the Lysol out and clean the door knobs and anything else that get used a lot by dirty gross hands.  The bathroom and kitchen are done different then most rooms ( for me they are) due to the high traffic that takes place in these rooms.
I will go into the tomorrow.
Have a great one everyone.